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Sunday, October 18, 2009

How to Find the Best Investments For You

The term "best investments" can and should vary by investor. In other words, "one size doesn't fit all".
Everyone has a unique "investment personality". This is a culmination of their upbringing, investing experience, job history, economic climate, etc.

All of these components contribute and mold each investor's tolerance for risk; level of involvement in decision making; and inclination to venture outside of their comfort zone. Therefore, the best investments for me will probably not be the same for you. However, there are some ways to help investors narrow their choices and help them find the best investments for their specific investment personality.

STEP 1) The first step in finding the best investments for your "investment personality" is to do a self-assessment.
For example:

* What is your tolerance for risk?

* How involved do you want to be in your investment portfolio decisions?

* Are you willing to consider investment alternatives that you aren't currently familiar with?

To help you with this, I have supplied a link: "Investment Personality Calculator". This will ask you questions and then calculate where you fall on a scale ranging from Conservative to Aggressive.

In addition, here is another link that should be very helpful: "7-Step Investment Planning"

STEP 2) The next thing to help determine the best investments for you is to consider your goals. Start with the big picture.

* How far away are you from retirement?

* What lifestyle do you want to lead for the rest of your life?

* Where?

* How big of a nest egg do you need for financial security: emergencies, inflation, family assistance, etc?

And so on....

STEP 3) Now, ask yourself if you can afford it. Also, how confident are you that your current investment portfolio will support your goals?

To assist you with this, I have supplied a link to the "AARP's Retirement Calculator".

This is going to help you with two things:
1) Help determine how much money you'll need to achieve the goals you established in Step 1 above.

2) After comparing how much money you'll need versus how much money you have (or expect to have) in your investment portfolio, you will know whether or not there is a financial gap between those two amounts.

If there is a gap (and for the majority, there usually is), then you have 2 choices:
A) You can revise your goals more conservatively (less expensively).

B) Take a hard look at your investment portfolio and make some changes.

Assuming that you will choose B) above, ask yourself: "What are the best investments that I can add to my portfolio to accomplish my goals?"

STEP 4) So how do you find the best investments for your situation based upon:

* Your investment personality?

* The financial gap between your goals and what your current portfolio can provide?

To answer this & find the best investments we need to look at history:
It is widely held that real estate, in its various forms, has created more wealth than any other type of investment. Many folks today cringe when they think of investing in real estate because of the recent sub-prime debacle and rampant foreclosures. Meanwhile, many of these same people continue to hold on to their stocks that have declined 40-50% in value!

Unlike stocks, which can become worthless, real estate always will retain a certain amount of intrinsic value.

So ask yourself this question: "Is this a real estate buyer's market or a seller's market?" That's right! It is definitely a buyer's market. Property values have declined significantly in virtually all real estate forms (raw land land development, residential, commercial, etc.) As a result, sellers are willing to entertain most offers.

This presents an extraordinary opportunity for investors with:
* Money to invest

* Knowledge of how and where to invest

Now, back to history: savvy investors understand that economies are "cyclical". Eventually, recoveries follow recessions. Real estate values and stocks will rebound.

Now the $10,000 Question is:
"Where should you invest your hard-earned dollars to help you close the gap in your portfolio?"

My money says REAL ESTATE!

STEP 5: As noted in Step 4, I believe the best investments today and in the future will continue to be Real Estate.

In the short-term, I believe that investments in "distressed properties" (foreclosure properties and REO bank-owned properties) are the best investments today.

Most people reading this will say: "I'm no real estate expert and never will be, so foreclosure property investments aren't for me." Now, the great news is that you don't have to be! Read on.....

As foreclosures have become an enormous industry, exciting new companies have emerged to take advantage of this extraordinary wealth-building opportunity. These new firms are called: "REO Companies".

REO Companies buy foreclosure properties in large quantities from the banks and other lenders. They rehab these homes to "move-in" condition then resell them quickly and at a profit for their investors. And the returns on investment can be staggering!

Recall from Step 3 above we said you had two options if you have a financial gap between your goals and what your current portfolio can provide. And, we assumed that you would choose to reevaluate your investments and make some changes versus choosing to live a less expensive lifestyle.

My recommendation is that you consider investing in foreclosures & REO properties in some way. Either on your own or by investing with a professional REO Company. Personally, I choose to invest with an REO Company and leverage their expertise as a "silent partner". Here is a link explaining how this works: "Why You Should Invest in REO Companies".

STEP 6) The best investments for the mid-to-longer term (2+ years out), in this author's opinion are:

* Commercial real estate development investments

* Raw land development investments

Here is a link to learn more about these investments: "Why Land Development is a Great Investment Right Now".

Once again, you may feel, at first blush, that this is outside of your comfort zone or expertise. And my response is - it needs to be! If your current portfolio isn't going to achieve your goals, you need to consider alternatives that can!

As with investing in foreclosures and REO bank-owned properties, you don't need to be an expert. Similar to REO companies, you can invest with professional developers in both commercial real estate and raw land developments, letting the experts do what they do and share in the profits as a silent partner. (Passive income!)

We've already said that Real Estate has created more wealth than any other investment type. Furthermore, the 3 "forms" of real estate that I have recommended are the most profitable and overall best investments in the real estate industry:

* Distressed properties (foreclosures & REO bank-owned properties)

* Commercial real estate development investments

* Raw land development investments

STEP 7) Finally, if you would like recommendations on how and where to invest in these "best investments", contact me - it's FREE advice! Just click on this link: "Contact The Author" and fill out my contact form with any questions you make have. I'll be happy to tell you where I invest and how it works.


John Hanlin is an Independent Investment Consultant specializing in high yield safe investments secured by real estate. He is a seasoned investor of over 25 years. Mr. Hanlin is the owner of the investors' website: Click on this link for a copy of John's FREE Special Report titled: "The Safest High Yield Investments You Can Make Today".

A Legitimate High Yield Investment: Buying Investment Property

In today's chaotic economy, whether it's verbalized or not, a main topic on investors' minds is: "Where can I find a solid investment opportunity without a lot of risk, but with high yields?"

Is this a fairy tale or can investors still find high yield safe investments?

This article will provide answers to these questions. It will explain why and how savvy investors should consider buying investment property (real estate) in the form of "raw land development projects"; exactly what is involved; and what makes them "legitimate" high yield investment opportunities.

First, some background:

Many of the richest families in the world today made their fortunes when the economy and markets were in dire straits. These folks looked for opportunities in the midst of the rubble, while the masses focused on their worries.

So, what can we learn from this? Is there an obvious wealth-building investment opportunity available to investors today in the midst of this financial chaos? Here's a thought starter:

Can you think of a better time to purchase real estate than in a down market like we're experiencing right now? The golden rule of investing is to always "buy low and sell high" is it not?

Here are 5 reasons why buying investment property is a legitimate high yield investment opportunity right now:

1. More millionaires are said to have been created by real estate that any other form of investment.

2. Raw land development is considered the most profitable form of real estate. [Per industry average: professionally managed land development projects increase the value of raw land by 2-5 times its original cost.] And it can be much higher.

3. Land development is one of the most secure, low risk investments that an investor can make. This is because the developer will typically back their investors' capital investments with the assets of the project (the property itself). In addition, they will place their investors in "first position" for the project assets and revenue. This means, in the event of a land developer's default or other problem on a project (heaven forbid), the property can be sold and investors can recoup some or all of their principal plus any net profits. Also, it means that the investors, being in 1st position, are the first in line to be paid, if project assets must be sold. (Not unlike how a bank will hold the mortgage or first deed as collateral or security on a house.)

4. Real property prices are very reasonable right now. Buying investment property in the form of raw land is literally a "buyer's market". This is because landowners aren't any different than other folks. They have been affected by the stock markets and the overall economy like the rest of us. The net effect is that many are willing to sell their land for very reasonable prices because they need the money.

As a result, with today's tightened credit markets, professional land developers are in need of private investors to help them acquire raw land at these "bargain basement" prices. [Plus, they're often willing to pay handsome interest rates for the use of their investors' money.]

5. The United States population is projected to grow +29% from 2000-2030. (According to U.S. Census Bureau statistics.) That means the addition of 82 MILLION new people in America! And these new people are going to need new homes, new schools, new stores, and new communities to support them.

Where are these new homes, schools, stores and communities going to come from? You guessed it: Raw land development! The "building blocks" of all new community construction.

So, that summarizes what makes buying investment property a "legitimate" high yield investment opportunity.

About the author:

John Hanlin is an Independent Investment Consultant specializing in high yield safe investments secured by real estate. He is a seasoned investor of over 25 years. Mr. Hanlin is the owner of the investors' website: Click on this link for a copy of John's FREE Special Report titled: "The Safest High Yield Investments You Can Make Today".

How to Maximize Return on Investment

This article explains the world's easiest way to maximize your portfolio's return on investment. But there's one catch! Before you can gain access to the most lucrative investments available, you have to meet certain qualifications. If you qualify, an exciting new world of opportunities awaits you!

According to Wikipedia, "Return On Investment" (also known as ROI or "Rate of Return") is the ratio of money gained or lost on an investment relative to the amount of money invested. Return on investment is a common benchmark, expressed as a percentage, that is used by investors to evaluate how their investments are performing.

It may surprise you to learn that most investors in the U.S. do not currently have access to (or even know about) many of the most lucrative investment opportunities available -- and this is mandated by Federal Law!

Meanwhile, a select group of people who meet certain qualifications under this law have access to a spectrum of investments with extraordinary return on investment potential that most investors wouldn't believe possible AND will also never see.

QUESTION: What is the "world's simplest way" to maximize your portfolio return on investment?

ANSWER: Determine if you qualify as an "Accredited Investor"

Surprisingly, there are a lot of people who qualify as Accredited Investors that don't even know it! Also, most people don't know what the term means or the benefits associated with being an Accredited Investor. But as mentioned earlier, if you do meet the qualifications, a whole new array of investments are available to you. And, the potential return on investment for most of these will rock your world!

On the flip side, if you don't qualify, you will never hear about these investments. And the reason for this is because it is actually illegal for investment companies and financial advisors, according to the Federal Securities Act of 1933, to share information about them with Non-Accredited Investors.


After the stock market crash of 1929 and the ensuing "Great Depression", the US Congress decided that it needed to institute tighter controls on the investment securities industry and financial markets. So, in 1933, the Securities Act of 1933 was passed. One component of this act defines the qualifications required for investors to participate in certain types of investment securities based upon their personal net worth and income levels. Those persons who meet these qualifications are known as "Accredited Investors".


In the United States, for an individual to be considered an Accredited Investor, they must have a Net Worth of at least one million US dollars or have made at least $200,000 gross income each year for the last two years ($300,000 combined with his or her spouse's income if married) and have the expectation to make the same amount in the current year.


If you meet the qualifications above, you should get together with your Financial Adviser right away. Tell them that you qualify and would like to be made aware of all current and future investment opportunities to which only Accredited Investors have access.

If you do not have a Financial Advisor, you should get one soon to learn how to maximize your portfolio's return on investment with the spectrum of investment opportunities now available to you!


One pitfall to be aware of when dealing with most Financial Advisors is that they will typically restrict the investments that they share with their investors (Accredited or not) to the investments offered by their company (the ones they earn commission on). And most often, they will only deal in "Traditional Investments" like stocks, bonds and mutual funds. As a result, you will never hear about investment opportunities in real estate, precious metals, commodities and other "Alternative Investments" because the Financial Advisor won't earn a commission on them.

To overcome this issue, look for an Independent Investment Advisor. They are not restricted to one particular company's investment offerings. For more information, visit this website: Free Independent Financial Advice


In addition to being an author, John Hanlin is an Independent Investment Consultant specializing in high yield investments secured by real estate for investor security. Click here for a copy of his FREE Special Report: "The Safest High Yield Investments You Can Make Today".