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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Retirement Advice & The Future Of Social Security Benefits

According to the latest retirement advice, the average American household has just $55,000 saved for retirement. Many people continue to believe that social security benefits or their companies will take care of their retirement financial needs. However, the fact is that social security is at risk of insolvency and many corporate retirement plans are vanishing along with their companies. The bottomline? Individuals must start taking personal responsibility for and control of their financial futures RIGHT NOW!

Are you aware that when the U.S. Social Security Administration was originated back in 1935 that the United States Government expected benefit payouts to be minimal at best? And with good reason! At the time (1935), the average American's life expectancy was just 62 years of age.

At what age do you think an individual became eligible for social security benefits back then? The answer is 62 years of age! So, you can see why the government was pretty confident that their financial liability for this program was limited at that time.

But guess what? The age for social security benefits eligibiliy is still 62 years of age. However, the average life expectancy in the United States is now 78 years of age! This is the source of the financial crisis that the Social Security Administration is faced with. We are living longer, and as a result, millions of people are now qualifying for benefits at an alarming rate and cost.

Somehow, the government never really saw this coming before it was too late. Based on the original design in 1935, social security benefits are funded from the government's annual budget. And, we all know by now that the total U.S. budget deficit is now in the 10's of TRILLIONS of dollars.

The result of this situation is that the government has been and will continue finding ways to shift the costs of retirement benefits back on me and you. For example:

Retirement Advice:

Please take the following retirement advice very seriously. If you are one of the folks who continues to believe that social security benefits or your company's retirement plan is going to take care of you through your golden year -- review the facts. This situation is real.

We all need to take responsibility and control of our financial futures RIGHT NOW. This is a big step for many people, but there is FREE retirement advice & help available if you will just seek it out.

John Hanlin

John Hanlin is an Independent Investment Consultant and author. He offers FREE independent financial advice for retirement on his website. Please visit:

Sunday, October 18, 2009

How to Find the Best Investments For You

The term "best investments" can and should vary by investor. In other words, "one size doesn't fit all".
Everyone has a unique "investment personality". This is a culmination of their upbringing, investing experience, job history, economic climate, etc.

All of these components contribute and mold each investor's tolerance for risk; level of involvement in decision making; and inclination to venture outside of their comfort zone. Therefore, the best investments for me will probably not be the same for you. However, there are some ways to help investors narrow their choices and help them find the best investments for their specific investment personality.

STEP 1) The first step in finding the best investments for your "investment personality" is to do a self-assessment.
For example:

* What is your tolerance for risk?

* How involved do you want to be in your investment portfolio decisions?

* Are you willing to consider investment alternatives that you aren't currently familiar with?

To help you with this, I have supplied a link: "Investment Personality Calculator". This will ask you questions and then calculate where you fall on a scale ranging from Conservative to Aggressive.

In addition, here is another link that should be very helpful: "7-Step Investment Planning"

STEP 2) The next thing to help determine the best investments for you is to consider your goals. Start with the big picture.

* How far away are you from retirement?

* What lifestyle do you want to lead for the rest of your life?

* Where?

* How big of a nest egg do you need for financial security: emergencies, inflation, family assistance, etc?

And so on....

STEP 3) Now, ask yourself if you can afford it. Also, how confident are you that your current investment portfolio will support your goals?

To assist you with this, I have supplied a link to the "AARP's Retirement Calculator".

This is going to help you with two things:
1) Help determine how much money you'll need to achieve the goals you established in Step 1 above.

2) After comparing how much money you'll need versus how much money you have (or expect to have) in your investment portfolio, you will know whether or not there is a financial gap between those two amounts.

If there is a gap (and for the majority, there usually is), then you have 2 choices:
A) You can revise your goals more conservatively (less expensively).

B) Take a hard look at your investment portfolio and make some changes.

Assuming that you will choose B) above, ask yourself: "What are the best investments that I can add to my portfolio to accomplish my goals?"

STEP 4) So how do you find the best investments for your situation based upon:

* Your investment personality?

* The financial gap between your goals and what your current portfolio can provide?

To answer this & find the best investments we need to look at history:
It is widely held that real estate, in its various forms, has created more wealth than any other type of investment. Many folks today cringe when they think of investing in real estate because of the recent sub-prime debacle and rampant foreclosures. Meanwhile, many of these same people continue to hold on to their stocks that have declined 40-50% in value!

Unlike stocks, which can become worthless, real estate always will retain a certain amount of intrinsic value.

So ask yourself this question: "Is this a real estate buyer's market or a seller's market?" That's right! It is definitely a buyer's market. Property values have declined significantly in virtually all real estate forms (raw land land development, residential, commercial, etc.) As a result, sellers are willing to entertain most offers.

This presents an extraordinary opportunity for investors with:
* Money to invest

* Knowledge of how and where to invest

Now, back to history: savvy investors understand that economies are "cyclical". Eventually, recoveries follow recessions. Real estate values and stocks will rebound.

Now the $10,000 Question is:
"Where should you invest your hard-earned dollars to help you close the gap in your portfolio?"

My money says REAL ESTATE!

STEP 5: As noted in Step 4, I believe the best investments today and in the future will continue to be Real Estate.

In the short-term, I believe that investments in "distressed properties" (foreclosure properties and REO bank-owned properties) are the best investments today.

Most people reading this will say: "I'm no real estate expert and never will be, so foreclosure property investments aren't for me." Now, the great news is that you don't have to be! Read on.....

As foreclosures have become an enormous industry, exciting new companies have emerged to take advantage of this extraordinary wealth-building opportunity. These new firms are called: "REO Companies".

REO Companies buy foreclosure properties in large quantities from the banks and other lenders. They rehab these homes to "move-in" condition then resell them quickly and at a profit for their investors. And the returns on investment can be staggering!

Recall from Step 3 above we said you had two options if you have a financial gap between your goals and what your current portfolio can provide. And, we assumed that you would choose to reevaluate your investments and make some changes versus choosing to live a less expensive lifestyle.

My recommendation is that you consider investing in foreclosures & REO properties in some way. Either on your own or by investing with a professional REO Company. Personally, I choose to invest with an REO Company and leverage their expertise as a "silent partner". Here is a link explaining how this works: "Why You Should Invest in REO Companies".

STEP 6) The best investments for the mid-to-longer term (2+ years out), in this author's opinion are:

* Commercial real estate development investments

* Raw land development investments

Here is a link to learn more about these investments: "Why Land Development is a Great Investment Right Now".

Once again, you may feel, at first blush, that this is outside of your comfort zone or expertise. And my response is - it needs to be! If your current portfolio isn't going to achieve your goals, you need to consider alternatives that can!

As with investing in foreclosures and REO bank-owned properties, you don't need to be an expert. Similar to REO companies, you can invest with professional developers in both commercial real estate and raw land developments, letting the experts do what they do and share in the profits as a silent partner. (Passive income!)

We've already said that Real Estate has created more wealth than any other investment type. Furthermore, the 3 "forms" of real estate that I have recommended are the most profitable and overall best investments in the real estate industry:

* Distressed properties (foreclosures & REO bank-owned properties)

* Commercial real estate development investments

* Raw land development investments

STEP 7) Finally, if you would like recommendations on how and where to invest in these "best investments", contact me - it's FREE advice! Just click on this link: "Contact The Author" and fill out my contact form with any questions you make have. I'll be happy to tell you where I invest and how it works.


John Hanlin is an Independent Investment Consultant specializing in high yield safe investments secured by real estate. He is a seasoned investor of over 25 years. Mr. Hanlin is the owner of the investors' website: Click on this link for a copy of John's FREE Special Report titled: "The Safest High Yield Investments You Can Make Today".

A Legitimate High Yield Investment: Buying Investment Property

In today's chaotic economy, whether it's verbalized or not, a main topic on investors' minds is: "Where can I find a solid investment opportunity without a lot of risk, but with high yields?"

Is this a fairy tale or can investors still find high yield safe investments?

This article will provide answers to these questions. It will explain why and how savvy investors should consider buying investment property (real estate) in the form of "raw land development projects"; exactly what is involved; and what makes them "legitimate" high yield investment opportunities.

First, some background:

Many of the richest families in the world today made their fortunes when the economy and markets were in dire straits. These folks looked for opportunities in the midst of the rubble, while the masses focused on their worries.

So, what can we learn from this? Is there an obvious wealth-building investment opportunity available to investors today in the midst of this financial chaos? Here's a thought starter:

Can you think of a better time to purchase real estate than in a down market like we're experiencing right now? The golden rule of investing is to always "buy low and sell high" is it not?

Here are 5 reasons why buying investment property is a legitimate high yield investment opportunity right now:

1. More millionaires are said to have been created by real estate that any other form of investment.

2. Raw land development is considered the most profitable form of real estate. [Per industry average: professionally managed land development projects increase the value of raw land by 2-5 times its original cost.] And it can be much higher.

3. Land development is one of the most secure, low risk investments that an investor can make. This is because the developer will typically back their investors' capital investments with the assets of the project (the property itself). In addition, they will place their investors in "first position" for the project assets and revenue. This means, in the event of a land developer's default or other problem on a project (heaven forbid), the property can be sold and investors can recoup some or all of their principal plus any net profits. Also, it means that the investors, being in 1st position, are the first in line to be paid, if project assets must be sold. (Not unlike how a bank will hold the mortgage or first deed as collateral or security on a house.)

4. Real property prices are very reasonable right now. Buying investment property in the form of raw land is literally a "buyer's market". This is because landowners aren't any different than other folks. They have been affected by the stock markets and the overall economy like the rest of us. The net effect is that many are willing to sell their land for very reasonable prices because they need the money.

As a result, with today's tightened credit markets, professional land developers are in need of private investors to help them acquire raw land at these "bargain basement" prices. [Plus, they're often willing to pay handsome interest rates for the use of their investors' money.]

5. The United States population is projected to grow +29% from 2000-2030. (According to U.S. Census Bureau statistics.) That means the addition of 82 MILLION new people in America! And these new people are going to need new homes, new schools, new stores, and new communities to support them.

Where are these new homes, schools, stores and communities going to come from? You guessed it: Raw land development! The "building blocks" of all new community construction.

So, that summarizes what makes buying investment property a "legitimate" high yield investment opportunity.

About the author:

John Hanlin is an Independent Investment Consultant specializing in high yield safe investments secured by real estate. He is a seasoned investor of over 25 years. Mr. Hanlin is the owner of the investors' website: Click on this link for a copy of John's FREE Special Report titled: "The Safest High Yield Investments You Can Make Today".

How to Maximize Return on Investment

This article explains the world's easiest way to maximize your portfolio's return on investment. But there's one catch! Before you can gain access to the most lucrative investments available, you have to meet certain qualifications. If you qualify, an exciting new world of opportunities awaits you!

According to Wikipedia, "Return On Investment" (also known as ROI or "Rate of Return") is the ratio of money gained or lost on an investment relative to the amount of money invested. Return on investment is a common benchmark, expressed as a percentage, that is used by investors to evaluate how their investments are performing.

It may surprise you to learn that most investors in the U.S. do not currently have access to (or even know about) many of the most lucrative investment opportunities available -- and this is mandated by Federal Law!

Meanwhile, a select group of people who meet certain qualifications under this law have access to a spectrum of investments with extraordinary return on investment potential that most investors wouldn't believe possible AND will also never see.

QUESTION: What is the "world's simplest way" to maximize your portfolio return on investment?

ANSWER: Determine if you qualify as an "Accredited Investor"

Surprisingly, there are a lot of people who qualify as Accredited Investors that don't even know it! Also, most people don't know what the term means or the benefits associated with being an Accredited Investor. But as mentioned earlier, if you do meet the qualifications, a whole new array of investments are available to you. And, the potential return on investment for most of these will rock your world!

On the flip side, if you don't qualify, you will never hear about these investments. And the reason for this is because it is actually illegal for investment companies and financial advisors, according to the Federal Securities Act of 1933, to share information about them with Non-Accredited Investors.


After the stock market crash of 1929 and the ensuing "Great Depression", the US Congress decided that it needed to institute tighter controls on the investment securities industry and financial markets. So, in 1933, the Securities Act of 1933 was passed. One component of this act defines the qualifications required for investors to participate in certain types of investment securities based upon their personal net worth and income levels. Those persons who meet these qualifications are known as "Accredited Investors".


In the United States, for an individual to be considered an Accredited Investor, they must have a Net Worth of at least one million US dollars or have made at least $200,000 gross income each year for the last two years ($300,000 combined with his or her spouse's income if married) and have the expectation to make the same amount in the current year.


If you meet the qualifications above, you should get together with your Financial Adviser right away. Tell them that you qualify and would like to be made aware of all current and future investment opportunities to which only Accredited Investors have access.

If you do not have a Financial Advisor, you should get one soon to learn how to maximize your portfolio's return on investment with the spectrum of investment opportunities now available to you!


One pitfall to be aware of when dealing with most Financial Advisors is that they will typically restrict the investments that they share with their investors (Accredited or not) to the investments offered by their company (the ones they earn commission on). And most often, they will only deal in "Traditional Investments" like stocks, bonds and mutual funds. As a result, you will never hear about investment opportunities in real estate, precious metals, commodities and other "Alternative Investments" because the Financial Advisor won't earn a commission on them.

To overcome this issue, look for an Independent Investment Advisor. They are not restricted to one particular company's investment offerings. For more information, visit this website: Free Independent Financial Advice


In addition to being an author, John Hanlin is an Independent Investment Consultant specializing in high yield investments secured by real estate for investor security. Click here for a copy of his FREE Special Report: "The Safest High Yield Investments You Can Make Today".

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Where Is The Best Place To Invest Money Today? Buying Investment Property (PART 3)


In today's chaotic economy, whether it's verbalized or not, a main topic on investors' minds is: "Where can I find a legitimate high yield investment without a lot of risk to my principal?" Is this a fairy tale now or can investors still find good safe investments that earn solid returns? This series of articles provides answers to these questions.

In Part One of this series (see my blog below dated 2-27-09), we focused on "WHY" investors should consider buying investment property in the form of raw land development projects and "WHAT" makes them legitimate high yield investments. In Part Two (see my blog below dated 3-13-09), we explained "WHERE" to invest in investment property.

Today, in PART 3 of this series, we will focus on:

The Raw Land Development Process

raw land development process step-by-step graphic sapling

STEP ONE: Professional Land Developers spend a great deal of time seeking what is called the "Path of Growth". They research economic and population projections and key factors such as job creation trends to identify geographic areas with favorable growth outlooks. Then, they drill down to the community and neighborhood levels to determine the directions of future growth and new construction. To do this expertly requires a seasoned research team and a network of external contact including local government officials, business leaders, real estate brokers, builders, etc. to conduct this 'due diligence' process and help locate possible raw, undeveloped land acquisitions situated in the identified path of growth.

raw land development process step-by-step graphic planners

STEP TWO: Once raw, undeveloped land is identified in the path of growth, the Land Developer will negotiate favorable terms for acquiring the property. There are a number of
ways that land developers acquire property, the two most common are:

a) Purchasing the property upfront.

b) Obtaining an 'Option To Purchase' agreement: the land developer obtains the rights to buy the raw land by a set date at a set price by offering a non-refundable deposit.

what is a silent real estate investor graphic raw land

NOTE: Investors are typically sought at this stage to help fund the acquisition of the property and cover costs associated with Steps Three - Five. These investors will become "silent partners" in the land development project. (Meaning: they will not be involved in the day to day management of the project.)

STEP THREE: Plans are drafted for a proposed future economic use of the land. (e.g. Master-planned communities, shopping centers, business parks, industrial complexes, etc.)

is raw land development a good investment graphic plans

STEP FOUR: The proposed "future use plans" are submitted to the city, county, state and federal governments for necessary approvals. This is known as "The Entitlement Process" and involves all of the critical sign-offs and approvals required for the newly proposed use of the property.

raw land development process step-by-step graphic commission meeting

NOTE: In this step, the Land Developer literally 'creates' value and this is why raw land development can be so profitable. It is this entitlement process that creates an average 300-500% increase in the value of raw land - often with limited associated costs for even higher profits!

The increased value of the newly "entitiled land" results from several important factors:

Obtaining the necessary government approvals to build
on raw land requires time, experience, relationships and the ability to manage against competing intentions for the property.

B. The land developer makes formerly raw, undeveloped land available to builders and construction contractors in "ready-and-approved-to-build condition" -- often with turn-key access to utilities, municipal water and sewer, roadways, etc.

C. Fully approved or 'entitled' land is ready for immediate construction, giving builders and contractors the benefits of accelerated cash flow and returns.

All of these factors help make raw land development projects among the safest high yield money investments available today.

NOTE: A typical raw land development project will take anywhere from one to several years to complete. This all depends upon the size and complexity of the project, plus government approval time-lines.

STEP FIVE: After the raw land's value has been increased by the completion of the entitlement process and other improvements such as access to utilities, municipal water and sewer, roadways, etc. have been installed, the newly "entitled" property is sold to Building and Construction Contractors.

is raw land development a good investment graphic step five

Result = average 300-500%+ increase in land value

Once the newly entitled land is sold,
the Raw Land Development Process ends.
Profits are realized and Investors are paid.

Finally, the Building Contractors take over.

After purchasing the land from the raw land developer, Building Contractors will begin to install the structures (e.g. homes, golf courses, retail shops, office buildings, industrial complexes, etc.) on the newly 'entitled' land. They will go on to sell the finished homes, offices, etc. to their customers - the end users (homeowners, businesses, etc.)

raw land development process step-by-step graphic final step

About the author:

John Hanlin is an Independent Investment Consultant specializing in low risk investments and retirement portfolio planning. He is a seasoned investor of over 25 years. Mr. Hanlin is the owner and contributing author of the website: which provides detailed information about raw land development investments and free independent financial advice for retirement.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Best Investment You'll Make In Your Lifetime

The headline says it all. It is heartfelt and sincere. If you miss this, I'm sorry. I don't know a better way to communicate to more people than the internet.

Here it is:

"We are RIGHT NOW faced with the greatest opportunity for financial gain that anyone in our lifetimes will ever experience."

To learn more:

Click here and sign up for this FREE Special Report.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

How to Profit From the Foreclosure Landslide

Are you a licensed real estate agent or appraiser?

If so, you QUALIFY and are in a perfect position to reap tremendous profits from the current foreclosure debacle!


1) By providing BPO's (broker price opinions) to your heart's content!
2) By securing listings for bank REO's (real estate owned) in DROVES!

** EVERY foreclosure requires a BPO.
** EVERY REO needs to be listed.

Why not be the one providing these services?

Here is a BPO REO Business Kit that gives you all the tools, training and contacts you need to get started right away! A great resource at the right time and a great price.


Friday, March 13, 2009

Where is the Best Place to Invest Money Right Now? Buying Investment Property (PART 2)


In today's chaotic economy, whether it's verbalized or not, a main topic on investors' minds is: "Where can I find a legitimate high yield investment without a lot of risk to my principal?"

Is this a fairy tale now or can investors still find good safe investments that earn solid returns?

This series of articles provides answers to these questions.

In Part One of this series (see blog below dated 2-27-09), we focused on "WHY" investors should consider buying investment property in the form of raw land development projects and "WHAT" makes them legitimate high yield investments. In PART TWO, we will now discuss "WHERE" to invest in these opportunities:

In December of 2004, the acclaimed Washington D.C. think-tank, Brookings Institution, sponsored a research project by Virginia Tech University titled: "Toward A New Metropolis: The Opportunity To Rebuild America".

This study explains that in order to accommodate U.S. Census Bureau population growth projections, the United States' future raw land development needs will require 209 BILLION square feet of new community construction between 2000-2030. This massive expansion will take place primarily in 10 major metropolitan regions the study calls "Megapolitans" and at an estimated cost of $25 TRILLION.

Not only does this study underscore the fact that buying investment property is a legitimate high yield investment opportunity, it tells us WHERE to invest! This was well-documented in a November 2005 article by Paul Kaihla in Business 2.0 Magazine titled: "The $25 Trillion Land Grab".

Here is what the 10 Megapolitans are being called and WHERE investors should consider investing right now:

1. CASCADIA: Will encompass land from Seattle, WA to Portland, OR. Vast quantities of cheap, prime property give this Pacific Northwest megapolitan tremendous growth potential. By 2030, massive land development activity will have filled in the greenspace between these cities, making this one huge, intertwined metropolitan region.

2. NORCAL: Will encompass property from San Francisco to Sacramento plus the Central Valley of Northern California. There will be much more activity buying investment property east of the Bay Area, where there is much more reasonably priced raw land. The Sacramento region, in particular, is expected to build more housing and office space than any other Western area excepting Las Vegas.

3. THE SOUTHLAND: This megapolitan will include real estate ranging from Los Angeles in the north to San Diego in the south and through the "Inland Empire" to Las Vegas in the east. Surging trade with China through the nation's busiest seaport in L.A. will spur massive expansion in logistics, warehousing and distribution centers throughout the region.

4.VALLEY OF THE SUN: Will encompass land from Phoenix, AZ to Tuscon, AZ. This will be the smallest megapolitan, but also the one with the biggest amount of "buildable" land at the lowest prices. This is why it is expected to become the fastest-growing metropolitan region in the United States. The main attraction: Palm Springs resort lifestyle at a substantial discount.

5. I-35 CORRIDOR: Will entail land spanning San Antonio to Dallas to Kansas City. No region better captures and caters to the Latino population explosion. A new generation of Hispanic business owners and industrialists will drive the growth, and the area will become a magnet for foreign companies trying to cash in on the U.S. Latino market.

6.GULF COAST BELT: Will encompass real estate running from Houston to New Orleans. Surrounding megapolitans will enjoy spillover growth because of the region's higher risk premium punctuated by Hurricane Katrina.

7.GREAT LAKES HORSESHOE: This will encompass land from Chicago to Detroit to Pittsburgh. With manufacturing's decline in this region, these industrial cities are evolving into a "service industries" region and are expected to attract a flood of new people to this megapolitan.

8.ATLANTIC SEABOARD: Will include property from Boston to New York City to Washington D.C. America's most heavily populated megapolitan is set to experience another expansion. And most of the new development is expected to "vertical" with new skyscrapers providing much of the new construction. Expect more urban growth versus suburban in this region.

9. I-85 CORRIDOR: Will involve land ranging from Raleigh-Durham to Atlanta. The expanse running from Atlanta to Raleigh is becoming a contiguous strip of homes and businesses. As the textile industry fades, financial services in Charlotte, telecom in Atlanta, and high-tech in the Raleigh-Durham Research Triangle will drive future growth.

10.SOUTHERN FLORIDA: Will encompass land from Tampa through Miami. Florida posted the nation's highest job growth in 2004, as baby boomers from the North poured in to take advantage of the job market and climate. Land scarcity will also drive urban growth in this region.

BONUS: UTAH 'MINIPOLITAN': This is an add-on to the Brooking study markets. Key areas in Utah are experiencing tremendous population and job growth and need to be added to the list.

So, that summarizes "WHERE" investors should consider buying investment property (particularly: raw land development investments), as a "legitimate" high yield investment opportunity.

PART THREE of this series will focus on the PROCESS of Raw Land Development.
PART FOUR of this series will focus on HOW to invest in Raw Land Development projects.

About the author:

John Hanlin is an Independent Investment Consultant specializing in low risk investments and retirement portfolio planning. He is a seasoned investor of over 25 years. Mr. Hanlin is the owner and contributing author of the website: which provides detailed information about raw land development investments and free independent financial advice for retirement.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Where is the Best Place to Invest Money Right Now? Buying Investment Property (PART 1)

[This is the first part of a new series]

In today's economy, most investors are asking this question:

"Where is the best place to invest money right now?"

This series of articles, starting today, will set out to answer that question. Specifically, the series will explain why and where savvy investors should be buying investment property (real estate) -- our recommendation for the best place to invest money right now. Furthermore, the series will explain why these investment properties should be in the form of raw land development investments.

First, some background:

It is widely held that more riches have been created by real estate than any other form of investment. Taking that one step further, raw land development is the most profitable form of real estate.

So, you can do the math: Where is the best place to invest money right now? Raw land development.

Can you think of a better time to purchase real estate than in a down market? The golden rule of investing is to always "buy low and sell high" right?

Here's WHY investors should consider buying investment property right now:

1. More millionaires have been made by investing in real estate that any other investment.

2. Raw land development is the most profitable form of real estate investment. Per industry average: professionally managed raw land development projects increase the value of undeveloped, raw land by 2-5 times its original price. (i.e. A professional raw land developer will sell their completed raw land development project for 200-500% more than they originally paid for the property. And it can be much higher.

3. In addition to being among the most profitable forms of investment, raw land development (professionally managed) can be one of the most secure, low risk investments an investor can make. This is because the raw land developer will typically back their investors' principal with the assets of their project (the property itself). In addition, they will place their investors in 1st position for project assets and revenue.

This means that in the event of a developer default on a raw land development project (heaven forbid), the land itself can be sold so that the investors can recoup part or all of their principal plus any net profits. Also, it means that the investors, being in 1st position, are first in line to be paid if project assets must be sold -- making this one of the most secured forms of investment available to investors.

4. Property prices are reasonable right now. Buying investment property in the form of undeveloped, raw land is a 'buyer's market' today.

This is because landowners aren't any different than other folks. They have been affected by the stock markets and the overall economy like everyone else. The net effect is that many are willing to sell their undeveloped land right now for very reasonable prices because they need the money.

As a result, raw land developers are in need of investors right now to help them acquire raw land at these 'bargain basement' prices.

5. The United States population is projected to grow +29% from 2000-2030. (U.S. Census Bureau) That means the addition of 82,000,000 new people in America. And these people are going to need new homes, new schools, new stores, new communities to support them.

Where are these new homes, schools, stores & communities going to come from? Raw land development.

Are you starting to see the answer to our question: Where is the best place to invest money right now?

Look for Part 2 of this series coming soon:

"Here's WHERE investors should consider buying investment property right now"

For FREE independent financial advice about safe investing and retirement, visit my website at: I specialize in the safest money investments and the best HIGH YIELD safe investments, particularly in raw land development. (Please fill out the Contact Form on my website if you have questions that the website couldn't answer.)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Best Investments For Your Future

Is retirement coming soon in your future? How prepared are you for this? What financial situation and lifestyle will that cast you into? Could you use some free independent financial advise to help get your retirement investments on track so that you can lead the lifestyle you've always dreamed of?

We have developed a "7-Step Retirement Action Plan" for investing in your future. One of the elements of this plan is to consider alternative investments for your retirement portfolio.

Real estate has proven time and again to be the single best growth investment worldwide. We suggest that investing in real estate can be either scary or it can be a "no brainer" depending upon how you go about the investment process and what form of real estate you invest in.

You've probably heard is said the real estate has created more millionaires than any other form of investment. To take that one step further: Raw Land Development is the most lucrative form of real estate. This is why many of the world's wealthiest investors have put their money in raw land development investments for generations.

"Raw land development is probably the most profitable and most secure form of investment that you NEVER heard of."

Raw land development is NOT the same thing as "land banking" or "raw land investing" which is where you would buy a piece of raw land, sit on it, do nothing to it, pray for appreciation and then hopefully sell it for a profit someday. That just ties up your money with an unknown return on investment. While land banking can be very profitable, we believe there are better and lower-risk investments for your hard-earned money.

Raw land development investments are where you invest as a "silent partner" with an experienced, professional land developer in a well-researched, raw land development project.

Silent partner investors share in the land developer's net profits. And, in addition, some professional developers will also pay you interest for the use of your money until the principal is returned to you.

After a lot of due diligence and research, a professional land developer will acquire raw, undeveloped land in the path of future community growth. Then, they obtain governmental approvals for rezoning and preparing the property to build upon. Finally, they sell the newly "improved" or ready-to-build land to building contractors and construction companies. This land could be used by the builders for any number of purposes: residential projects, shopping malls, industrial complexes, business parks, government offices, schools, golf courses, etc.

NOTE: The raw land development process may sound simple in concept. However, the process can involve in excess of 100 governmental entitlements (approvals) that must be completed and can take months or even years, depending upon the size and complexity of the project. This is why we recommend investing with an experienced, professional land developer versus doing it on your own.

** The industry average for a professionally managed, raw land development project is a 300-500% increase in value. In other words, the land developer will sell the newly "improved" land to building contractors and construction companies for 3-5 times what they originally paid for the raw land. **

So, that explains why raw land development can be so profitable. Now let's discuss "investment safety".

The professional land developers that we invest with always put their silent partner investors in "first position" for the raw land development projects' assets and revenue, meaning that the investors get paid first. In addition, the investors' principal is asset-secured (also termed: asset-backed). This means that in the event of a default situation by the land developer (heaven forbid), the land and other project assets can be sold and the investors can recoup all or part of their investment (plus any potential profit).

This is safety and security that investors rarely find outside of real estate. Consider the stock market for example: if the value of your shares drops to zero, what is left? No recourse and no security. This is why we consider professionally managed raw land development to be the best high yield safe investments available today.

And, we can show you different ways to invest in raw land development: from how to find the right projects; to how to use your 401k and/or IRA funds to invest.

"What is the best investment for my money?" We all ask that question and very few of us actually know what the answer is. Our website gives you that answer and also gives you the opportunity to do it now to help you prepare for a comfortable, secure retirement.

There are many options today for investing your money, including a lot of "get rich quick schemes". That is not what investing in Raw Land Development is about. This is an investment that has been around for many generations. It is a proven process and a huge industry. However, even in this business there are companies that either don't know what they are doing or are just after your money. So, of course, you need to thoroughly check them out before investing. That is where we can help.

We believe that everyone should have the opportunity for a bright and beautiful future with financial security in their retirement investments.

Eventually, we all grow old and need to plan for retirement. It does not need to be stressful nor does it have to be difficult. However, it does need to happen now with you making the decision to take control of retirement future. That is why our "7 Step Retirement Action Plan" was developed: to provide a practical process that you can follow to achieve financial security and live the lifestyle that you've always dreamed of for your own retirement.

For FREE independent financial advice about safe investing and retirement, visit my website at: I specialize in the safest money investments and the best HIGH YIELD safe investments, particularly in raw land development. (Please fill out the Contact Form on my website if you have questions that the website couldn't answer.)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Smart Money: Safe Investing for a Secure Future

You can secure your family's future financial security by making smart money investments today. With the help of an experienced professional, you can learn about the best high yield safe investments available in today's marketplace.

As we get started, let's clarify one fact: there is no such thing as a completely "safe" investment.

There are, however, some very good "low risk" investments -- but the industry still tends to still refer to them as "safe" investments. So, when reading this blog or any article or advertisement about investing, please keep this in mind.

"Safe" investing in asset-secured, high yield investments is the key to a profitable and financially stress-free future. Imagine not having to worry about the financial security of your loved ones or yourself after you retire. Maybe you are ready now to begin living a life that is free from financial worries. Well, there is no need to wait. Take advantage of the experience and guidance of an investment professional who is ready and willing to help - at no cost to you. That's right! FREE independent financial advice for your retirement!

You have a multitude of choices about where to invest your money and it can be both confusing and intimidating. Your options include 'traditional investments' like stocks, bonds and mutual funds. PLUS, many other 'alternative investments' that you may not be familiar with, such as a professionally managed raw land developments, other types of land investments, apartment buildings, precious metals, commodities, etc.

By seeking the advice of an investment expert, you can explore these new opportunities, get all of your questions answered, and find the best and safest money investments that are most suited to help you achieve your financial goals.

For example, you can learn why raw land developments have, for generations, been cornerstone investments for many of the world's wealthiest investors. And, why YOU should consider investing in these assets for your own portfolio.

A professional can explain the raw land development process step-by-step; help you identify the best land developers to invest with; tell you where to find the top growth markets for land development; and even show you how you can use your IRA to to invest in real estate opportunities like these!

You'll rest easier knowing that you are investing your money with the guidance of someone who has the training and experience you need to help you find the best high yield safe investments that fit your personal goals and life situation.

You CAN still achieve financial security, even in today's volatile economy, by investing in secure, high yielding investments. And, you CAN feel confident that you are providing for your family's financial security in the years to come by investing with the guidance of an experienced professional.

For FREE independent financial advice about safe investing and retirement, visit my website at: I specialize in the safest money investments and the best HIGH YIELD safe investments, particularly in raw land development. (Please fill out the Contact Form on my website if you have questions that the website couldn't answer.)

HERE'S AN ADDED BONUS: "How To Earn Double-Digit Returns"

P.S. I have launched a new blog site named: "Raw Land Development Investment". Check it out for more information about what I consider to be the #1 safest, high yield investment available today!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

How To Earn Double-Digits Returns

I recently wrote an article for titled "How To Earn Double-Digit Returns".

If you are tired of earning sub-inflation interest rates on your money (or worse - losing it!) this article could be for you. You could be a earning double-digit returns with asset-backed investments if you know where to look!

Please click on the article title in parentheses above to view the article.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Reuters News Article: "U.S. Housing Market Bottom Within Sight"

On February 5, 2009, Reuters published a news article by Julie Haviv titled:

"U.S. Housing Market Bottom Within Sight"

The article cites a report generated by Moody's titled "Housing In Crisis: When Will Metro Markets Recover?" - an analysis that has been cited by top advisers in the Obama administration in relation the the U.S. economic stimulus package.

Here are a few of the key points in the Reuters article:

  • A bottom is within sight, likely in the 4th quarter of 2009 nationally.
  • An improvement could portend a turnaround for the U.S. economy & help stop losses at U.S. banks.
  • Positive signs: inventories are flattening, prices are more reasonable & sales are nearing stability.
  • From peak to trough, total U.S. home sales will have dropped by 40% & housing starts by 70%.
  • The outlook assumes action by U.S. policymakers with regard to the economic stimulus package.
To view the Reuters article, click on the article title in italics above.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

New Blog: "Safest Money Investments"

Hi all!

I have launched a new blog named "Safest Money Investments".

Here's a summary of this new blog's focus:

This blog is dedicated to answering questions that I regularly see from people wanting to know where they can find: "the best low risk investments in today's economy". These questions range from: "What are the safest money investments available?" to "What are the best high yield safe investments?" -- but they all involve the central themes of low risk and asset security for safe investing. This is truly free independent financial and investment advice.

Click on this link to check it out: Safest Money Investments

More to come....

Retirement Wiz