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Monday, March 3, 2008

Is your Financial Advisor lying to you?

What investment opportunities is your investment advisor NOT telling you about?

I'm a little past middle-aged. Up until a few years ago, I managed my retirement investments from a distance. A loooong distance. I figured that was what my fund manager was paid to do. They're the experts right? They're looking out for my best interests right?

Once I woke up and finally realized that I needed to take control of my future, I started surfing on the internet and one day a stumbled across a "Retirement Calculator". I was curious about this because the finish line to retirement is getting closer and closer, so I started filling in the blanks on this calculator to see where I stood.

Well, talk about a MAJOR wake-up call! In short, this calculator told me in no uncertain terms that I wouldn't have anywhere near the amount of retirement income that I would need based on my savings and current retirement investments. It really scared me. I was afraid that I couldn't afford to retire -- certainly not when I wanted to.

What was I going to do? I needed serious retirement help. So, I started studying everything I could find about investing: books, tapes, CD/DVD's, seminars, workshops - you name it. And guess what?

I found out that my 401k and IRA funds didn't offer some of the best investment alternatives available! The glaring omission was real estate secured investments. Products like raw land developments, high-yielding real estate-backed notes, trust deeds, income-producing properties from rental homes to commercial buildings, tax liens and tax certificates, etc. These include some of the most LUCRATIVE investments available and I didn't know anything about them and didn't have access to them.

Q: Why wasn't my investment advisor telling me about these investment options?

A: Because they only earned commissions on the stocks, bonds and various other mutual fund products that their company offered and managed for my little IRA and 401k accounts.
(Notice that I wrote this in the "past tense" -- they are no longer managing my retirement funds.)

Bottom line: financial / investment advisors deal primarily in stocks, bonds and the occasional REIT (real estate investment trust) or TIC (tenancy in common properties) -- but largely NOT in real estate.

So what did I do? I took control of my retirement money. I transferred my funds into a Self-Directed IRA Account. Now I can invest in the same investments and funds as before BUT I can also invest in a whole spectrum of new alternatives: real estate backed investments like land development, businesses, etc.

Here's a link to a FREE e-book with 50 FAQ's (frequently asked questions) concerning Self-Directed IRA's -- click image below:

More to come on this in future blogs. In the meantime, if you'd like to check to see if YOU can afford to retire, click on the link below for a FREE 5-Minute Retirement Calculator (Courtesy AARP):

'Til next time. Retirement Wiz (email me at: )

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