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Friday, February 6, 2009

Reuters News Article: "U.S. Housing Market Bottom Within Sight"

On February 5, 2009, Reuters published a news article by Julie Haviv titled:

"U.S. Housing Market Bottom Within Sight"

The article cites a report generated by Moody's titled "Housing In Crisis: When Will Metro Markets Recover?" - an analysis that has been cited by top advisers in the Obama administration in relation the the U.S. economic stimulus package.

Here are a few of the key points in the Reuters article:

  • A bottom is within sight, likely in the 4th quarter of 2009 nationally.
  • An improvement could portend a turnaround for the U.S. economy & help stop losses at U.S. banks.
  • Positive signs: inventories are flattening, prices are more reasonable & sales are nearing stability.
  • From peak to trough, total U.S. home sales will have dropped by 40% & housing starts by 70%.
  • The outlook assumes action by U.S. policymakers with regard to the economic stimulus package.
To view the Reuters article, click on the article title in italics above.

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